Taskcluster URL Building Library


A simple library to generate URLs for various Taskcluster resources across our various deployment methods.

This serves as both a simple shim for projects that use JavaScript but also is the reference implementation for how we define these paths.

URLs are defined in the ‘Taskcluster URL Format’ document.


View the changelog on the releases page.


This is tested on and should run on any of Node.js {8, 10}.

JS Usage

Node.js Build Status npm

This package exports several methods for generating URLs conditionally based on a root URL, as well as a few helper classes for generating URLs for a pre-determined root URL:

When the rootUrl is https://taskcluster.net, the generated URLs will be to the Heroku cluster. Otherwise they will follow the spec defined in this project.

testRootUrl is used to share a common rootUrl between various Taskcluster mocks in testing.

// Specifying root URL every time:
const libUrls = require('taskcluster-lib-urls');

libUrls.api(rootUrl, 'auth', 'v1', 'foo/bar');
libUrls.schema(rootUrl, 'auth', 'v1/foo.yml'); // Note that schema names have versions in them
libUrls.apiReference(rootUrl, 'auth', 'v1');
libUrls.exchangeReference(rootUrl, 'auth', 'v1');
libUrls.ui(rootUrl, 'foo/bar');
libUrls.docs(rootUrl, 'foo/bar');
// Specifying root URL in advance:
const libUrls = require('taskcluster-lib-urls');

const urls = libUrls.withRoot(rootUrl);

urls.api('auth', 'v1', 'foo/bar');
urls.schema('auth', 'v1/foo.yml');
urls.apiReference('auth', 'v1');
urls.exchangeReference('auth', 'v1');

If you would like, you can set this up via taskcluster-lib-loader as follows:

  libUrlss: {
    require: ['cfg'],
    setup: ({cfg}) => withRootUrl(cfg.rootURl),

Test with:

yarn install
yarn test

Go Usage


The go package exports the following functions:

func API(rootURL string, service string, version string, path string) string
func APIReference(rootURL string, service string, version string) string
func Docs(rootURL string, path string) string
func ExchangeReference(rootURL string, service string, version string) string
func Schema(rootURL string, service string, name string) string
func UI(rootURL string, path string) string
func ServicesManifest(rootURL string) string

Install with:

go install ./..

Test with:

go test -v ./...

Python Usage

You can install the python client with pip install taskcluster-urls;

import taskcluster_urls

taskcluster_urls.api(root_url, 'auth', 'v1', 'foo/bar')
taskcluster_urls.schema(root_url, 'auth', 'v1/foo.yml') # Note that schema names have versions in them
taskcluster_urls.api_reference(root_url, 'auth', 'v1')
taskcluster_urls.exchange_reference(root_url, 'auth', 'v1')
taskcluster_urls.ui(root_url, 'foo/bar')
taskcluster_urls.docs(root_url, 'foo/bar')

Test with:


Java Usage


In order to use this library from your maven project, simply include it as a project dependency:


The taskcluster-lib-urls artifacts are now available from the maven central repository:

To use the library, do as follows:

import org.mozilla.taskcluster.urls.*;


    URLProvider urlProvider = URLs.provider("https://mytaskcluster.acme.org");

    String fooBarAPI        = urlProvider.api("auth", "v1", "foo/bar");
    String fooSchema        = urlProvider.schema("auth", "v1/foo.yml"); // Note that schema names have versions in them
    String authAPIRef       = urlProvider.apiReference("auth", "v1");
    String authExchangesRef = urlProvider.exchangeReference("auth", "v1");
    String uiFooBar         = urlProvider.ui("foo/bar");
    String servicesManifest = urlProvider.servicesManifest();
    String docsFooBar       = urlProvider.docs("foo/bar");


Install with:

mvn install

Test with:

mvn test


New releases should be tested on Travis and Taskcluster to allow for all supported versions of Node to be tested. Once satisfied that it works, new versions should be created with yarn version rather than by manually editing package.json and tags should be pushed to Github. Make sure to update the changelog!


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