Module: azure

Blob client class for interacting with Azure Blob Storage.


  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:89


  • options Object
    • options on the form:
      // Value for the x-ms-version header fixing the API version
      version:              SERVICE_VERSION,
      // Value for the x-ms-client-request-id header identifying the client
      clientId:             'fast-azure-storage',
      // Server-side request timeout
      timeout:              30 * 1000,
      // Delay between client- and server-side timeout
      clientTimeoutDelay:   500,
      // Max number of request retries
      retries:              5,
       // HTTP Agent to use (defaults to a global azure.Agent instance)
      agent:                azure.Agent.globalAgent,
      // Multiplier for computation of retry delay: 2 ^ retry * delayFactor
      delayFactor:          100,
      // Randomization factor added as:
      // delay = delay * random([1 - randomizationFactor; 1 + randomizationFactor])
      randomizationFactor:  0.25,
      // Maximum retry delay in ms (defaults to 30 seconds)
      maxDelay:             30 * 1000,
      // Error codes for which we should retry
      transientErrorCodes:  TRANSIENT_ERROR_CODES,
      // Azure storage accountId (required)
      accountId:            undefined,
      // Azure shared accessKey, required unless is given
      accessKey:            undefined,
      // Function that returns SAS string or promise for SAS string, in which
      // case we will refresh SAS when a request occurs less than
      // minSASAuthExpiry from signature expiry. This property may also be a
      // SAS string.
      sas:                  undefined,
      // Minimum SAS expiry before refreshing SAS credentials, if a function for
      // refreshing SAS credentials is given as
      minSASAuthExpiry:     15 * 60 * 1000


  • container
  • blob
  • options
  • content

Defined in lib/blob.js:2395

Commits a new block of data to the end of an existing append blob.


  • container String
    • Name of the container
  • blob String
    • Name of the blob
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       disableContentMD5Check: 'false',          // Enable/disable the content md5 check is disabled.(optional)
       blobConditionMaxSize: '...',              // The max length in bytes permitted for the append blob (optional)
       blobConditionAppendPositionOffset: '...', // A number indicating the byte offset to compare (optional)
       ifModifiedSince: new Date(),              // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has
                                                 // been modified since the specified time. (optional)
       ifUnmodifiedSince: new Date(),            // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has
                                                 // not been modified since the specified date/time. (optional)
       ifMatch: '...',                           // ETag value. Specify this to perform the operation only if the
                                                 // resource's ETag matches the value specified. (optional)
       ifNoneMatch: '...',                       // ETag value. Specify this to perform the operation only if the
                                                 // resource's ETag does not match the value specified. (optional)
  • content String | Buffer
    • the content of the block



A promise for an object on the form:

   eTag: '...',                // The entity tag for the append blob
   lastModified: '...',        // The date/time the blob was last modified
   contentMD5: '...',          // The MD5 hash of the append blob
   appendOffset: '...',        // The offset at which the block was committed, in bytes.
   committedBlockCount: '...', // The number of committed blocks present in the blob.
                               // This can be used to control how many more appends can be done.
  • method
  • path
  • query
  • header

Defined in lib/blob.js:357

Construct authorized request options by adding signature or shared-access-signature, return promise for the request options.


  • method String
    • HTTP verb in upper case, e.g. GET.
  • path String
    • Path on blob resource for storage account.
  • query Object
    • Query-string parameters.
  • header Object
    • Mapping from header key in lowercase to value.



A promise for an options object compatible with https.request.

  • name
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:719

Create a new container with the given 'name' under the storage account.


  • name String
    • Name of the container to create
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       metadata: '...',          // Mapping from metadata keys to values. (optional)
       publicAccessLevel: '...', // Specifies whether data in the container may be accessed
                                 // publicly and the level of access.
                                 // Possible values: container, blob. (optional)



a promise for metadata key/value pair A promise for an object on the form:

     eTag: '...',               // The entity tag of the container
     lastModified: '...',       // The date/time the container was last modified
  • container
  • blob
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:2083

Marks the specified blob for deletion. The blob is later deleted during garbage collection.


  • container String
    • Name of the container
  • blob String
    • Name of the blob
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       ifModifiedSince: new Date(),      // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has been
                                         // modified since the specified time. (optional)
       ifUnmodifiedSince: new Date(),    // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has not been
                                         // modified since the specified date/time. (optional)
       ifMatch: '...',                   // ETag value. Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource's
                                         // ETag matches the value specified. (optional)
       ifNoneMatch: '...',               // ETag value. Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource's
                                         // ETag does not match the value specified. (optional)



A promise that container has been marked for deletion.

  • name
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:892

Delete container with the given 'name'.

Note, when a container is deleted, a container with the same name cannot be created for at least 30 seconds; the container may not be available for more than 30 seconds if the service is still processing the request. Please see the documentation for more details.


  • name String
    • Name of the container to delete
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       leaseId: '...',                   // Lease unique identifier. A GUID string.(optional)
       ifModifiedSince: new Date(),      // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has
                                         // been modified since the specified time. (optional)
       ifUnmodifiedSince: new Date(),    // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has
                                         // not been modified since the specified date/time. (optional)



A promise that container has been marked for deletion.

  • container
  • blob
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:1654

Reads or downloads a blob from the system, including its metadata and properties.


  • container String
    • Name of the container where the blob should be stored
  • blob String
    • Name of the blob
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       ifModifiedSince: new Date(),      // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has been
                                         // modified since the specified time. (optional)
       ifUnmodifiedSince: new Date(),    // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has not
                                         // been modified since the specified date/time. (optional)
       ifMatch: '...',                   // ETag value. Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource's
                                         // ETag matches the value specified. (optional)
       ifNoneMatch: '...',               // ETag value. Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource's
                                         // ETag does not match the value specified. (optional)



A promise for an object on the form:

   eTag: '...',                    // The entity tag of the blob
   lastModified: '...',            // The date/time the blob was last modified.
   contentType: '...',             // The content type specified for the blob
   contentMD5: '...',              // The MD5 hash fo the blob
   contentEncoding: '...',         // The content encoding of the blob
   contentLanguage: '...',         // The content language of the blob
   cacheControl: '...',            // The cache control of the blob
   contentDisposition: '...',      // The content disposition of the blob
   pageBlobSequenceNumber: '...',  // The current sequence number for a page blob.
   type: '...',                    // The blob type: block, page or append blob.
   blobCommittedBlockCount: '...', // The number of committed blocks present in the blob.
                                   // This is returned only for append blobs.
   metadata: '...',                // Name-value pairs associated with the blob as metadata
   content: '...'                  // The content
  • container
  • blob
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:1963

Get the metadata for the blob with the given name.

Note, this is a HEAD request, so if the container is missing you get an error with err.statusCode = 404, but err.code property will be ErrorWithoutCode.


  • container String
    • the name of the container
  • blob String
    • the name of the blob
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       ifModifiedSince: new Date(),      // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has been
                                         // modified since the specified time. (optional)
       ifUnmodifiedSince: new Date(),    // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has not
                                         // been modified since the specified date/time. (optional)
       ifMatch: '...',                   // ETag value. Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource's
                                         // ETag matches the value specified. (optional)
       ifNoneMatch: '...',               // ETag value. Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource's
                                         // ETag does not match the value specified. (optional)



a promise for metadata key/value pair A promise for an object on the form:

     eTag: '...',               // The entity tag of the blob
     lastModified: '...',       // The date/time the blob was last modified
     metadata: '...'            // Name-value pairs that correspond to the user-defined metadata
                                // associated with this blob.
  • container
  • blob
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:1727

Returns all user-defined metadata, standard HTTP properties, and system properties for the blob.


  • container String
    • Name of the container
  • blob String
    • Name of the blob
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       ifModifiedSince: new Date(),      // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has been
                                         // modified since the specified time. (optional)
       ifUnmodifiedSince: new Date(),    // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has not been
                                         // modified since the specified date/time. (optional)
       ifMatch: '...',                   // ETag value. Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource's
                                         // ETag matches the value specified. (optional)
       ifNoneMatch: '...',               // ETag value. Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource's
                                         // ETag does not match the value specified. (optional)



A promise for an object on the form:

   metadata: '...',                // Name-value pairs that correspond to the user-defined metadata
                                   // associated with this blob.
   lastModified: '...',            // The date/time the blob was last modified.
   type: '...',                    // The blob type
   leaseDuration: '...',           // When a blob is leased, specifies whether the lease is of
                                   // infinite or fixed duration
   leaseState: '...',              // Lease state of the blob
   leaseStatus: '...',             // The lease status of the blob.
   contentLength: '...',           // The size of the blob in bytes
   contentType: '...',             // The content type specified for the blob
   eTag: '...',                    // The blob Etag
   contentMD5: '...'               // The content-md5 of the blob
   contentEncoding: '...',         // The content encoding of the blob
   contentLanguage: '...'          // The content language of the blob
   contentDisposition: '...',      // The content disposition of the blob
   cacheControl: '...',            // The cache control of the blob
   pageBlobSequenceNumber: '...',  // The current sequence number for a page blob.
   committedBlockCount: '...',     // The number of committed blocks present in the blob (for append blob).
  • prefix
  • blockNumber
  • length

Defined in lib/blob.js:2373

Generates a base64 string that identifies a block.


  • prefix String
    • the prefix of the block id
  • blockNumber Number
    • the block number
  • length Number
    • length of the block id


  • a base64 string as a block identifier
  • container
  • blob
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:2303

Retrieves the list of committed list blocks (that that have been successfully committed to a given blob with putBlockList()), and uncommitted list blocks (that have been uploaded for a blob using Put Block, but that have not yet been committed)


  • container String
    • Name of the container
  • blob String
    • Name of the blob
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       blockListType: 'committed'  // Specifies whether to return the list of committed blocks, the list of
                                   // uncommitted blocks, or both lists together. Valid values are committed,
                                   // uncommitted, or all



A promise for an object on the form:

   eTag: '...',
   committedBlocks: [
       blockId: '...',     // Base64 encoded block identifier
       size: '...'         // Block size in bytes
   uncommittedBlocks: [
       blockId: '...',     // Base64 encoded block identifier
       size: '...'         // Block size in bytes
  • name
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:1073

Gets the permissions for the container with the given name


  • name String
    • Name of the container to get ACL from
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       leaseId: '...' // GUID string; lease unique identifier (optional)



A promise for permissions

   eTag: '...',                      // The entity tag of the container
   lastModified: '...',              // The date/time the container was last modified
   publicAccessLevel: '...',         // Indicate whether blobs in a container may be accessed publicly.(optional)
                                     // Possible values: container (full public read access for container
                                     // and blob data) or blob (public read access for blobs)
                                     // If it is not specified, the resource will be private and will be
                                     // accessed only by the account owner.
   accessPolicies: [{                // The container ACL settings.
                                     // An array with five maximum access policies objects (optional)
     id:     '...',                  // Unique identifier, up to 64 chars in length
     start:  new Date(),             // Time from which access policy is valid
     expiry: new Date(),             // Expiration of access policy
     permission: {                   // Set of permissions delegated
       read:              false,     // Read the content, properties, metadata or block list of a blob or, of
                                     // any blob in the container if the resource is a container.
       add:               false,     // Add a block to an append blob or, to any append blob
                                     // if the resource is a container.
       create:            false,     // Write a new blob, snapshot a blob, or copy a blob to a new blob.
                                     // These operations can be done to any blob in the container
                                     // if the resource is a container.
       write:             false,     // Create or write content, properties, metadata, or block list.
                                     // Snapshot or lease the blob. Resize the blob (page blob only).
                                     // These operations can be done for every blob in the container
                                     // f the resource is a container.
       delete:            false,     // Delete the blob or, any blob in the container if the resource
                                     // is a container.
       list:              false,     // List blobs in the container.
  • name
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:843

Get the metadata for the container with the given name.

Note, this is a HEAD request, so if the container is missing you get an error with err.statusCode = 404, but err.code property will be ErrorWithoutCode.


  • name String
    • the name of the container to get metadata from.
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       leaseId: '...'  // Lease unique identifier. A GUID string.(optional)



a promise for metadata key/value pair A promise for an object on the form:

     eTag: '...',               // The entity tag of the container
     lastModified: '...',       // The date/time the container was last modified
  • name
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:998

Get all user-defined metadata and system properties for the container with the given name.

Note, this is a HEAD request, so if the container is missing you get an error with err.statusCode = 404, but err.code property will be ErrorWithoutCode.


  • name String
    • The name of the container to get properties from.
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       leaseId: '...' // GUID string; lease unique identifier (optional)



A promise for an object on the form:

  metadata: {                 // Mapping from meta-data keys to values
    '<key>':      '<value>',  // Meta-data key/value pair
  properties: {                // System properties
    eTag:          '...',      // The entity tag for the container
    lastModified: '...'        // The date and time the container was last modified
    leaseStatus: '...',        // The lease status of the container
    leaseState:  '...',        // Lease state of the container
    leaseDuration: '...',      // Specifies whether the lease on a container is of infinite or fixed duration.
    publicAccessLevel: '...',  // Indicates whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and
                               // the level of access. If this is not returned in the response,
                               // the container is private to the account owner.
getServiceProperties () Promise

Defined in lib/blob.js:656

Gets the properties of a storage account’s Blob service, including properties for Storage Analytics and CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) rules.



A promise for an object on the form:

   logging: {                  // The Azure Analytics Logging settings.
     version: '...',           // The version of Storage Analytics to configure
     delete: true|false,       // Indicates whether all delete requests should be logged
     read: true|false,         // Indicates whether all read requests should be logged
     write: true|false,        // Indicates whether all write requests should be logged
     retentionPolicy: {
       enabled: true|false,    // Indicates whether a retention policy is enabled for the storage service
       days: '...',            // Indicates the number of days that metrics or logging data should be retained.
   hourMetrics: {              // The Azure Analytics HourMetrics settings
     version: '...',           // The version of Storage Analytics to configure
     enabled: true|false,      // Indicates whether metrics are enabled for the Blob service
     includeAPIs: true|false,  // Indicates whether metrics should generate summary statistics
                               // for called API operations.
     retentionPolicy: {
       enabled: true|false,
       days: '...',
   minuteMetrics: {            // The Azure Analytics MinuteMetrics settings
     version: '...',           // The version of Storage Analytics to configure
     enabled: true|false,      // Indicates whether metrics are enabled for the Blob service
     includeAPIs: true|false,  // Indicates whether metrics should generate summary statistics
                               // for called API operations.
     retentionPolicy: {
       enabled: true|false,
       days: '...',
   corsRules: [{               // CORS rules
     allowedOrigins: [],       // A list of origin domains that will be allowed via CORS,
                               // or "*" to allow all domains.
     allowedMethods: [],       // List of HTTP methods that are allowed to be executed by the origin
     maxAgeInSeconds: [],      // The number of seconds that the client/browser should cache a preflight response
     exposedHeaders: [],       // List of response headers to expose to CORS clients
     allowedHeaders: [],       // List of headers allowed to be part of the cross-origin request
  • name
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:1373

Establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can be 15 to 60 seconds, or can be infinite.


  • name Object
    • Name of the container
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       leaseId: '...',                   // GUID string; it is required in case of renew, change,
                                         // or release of the lease
       leaseAction: '...',               // Lease container operation. The possible values are: acquire, renew,
                                         // change, release, break (required)
       leaseBreakPeriod: '...',          // For a break operation, proposed duration the lease should continue
                                         // before it is broken, in seconds, between 0 and 60.
       leaseDuration: '...',             // Specifies the duration of the lease, in seconds, or negative one (-1)
                                         // for a lease that never expires. Required for acquire action.
       proposedLeaseId: '...'            // GUID string; Optional for acquire, required for change action.
       ifModifiedSince: new Date(),      // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has been
                                         // modified since the specified time. (optional)
       ifUnmodifiedSince: new Date(),    // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has not been
                                         // modified since the specified date/time. (optional)



A promise for an object on the form:

   leaseId: '...',             // The unique lease id.
   leaseTime: '...'            // Approximate time remaining in the lease period, in seconds.
   eTag: '...',                // The entity tag of the container
   lastModified: '...',        // The date/time the container was last modified
  • container
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:1272

Get the list of blobs under the specified container.


  • container String
    • Name of the container(required)
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       prefix: '...',              // Prefix of blobs to list (optional)
       delimiter: '...',           // Delimiter, i.e. '/', for specifying folder hierarchy. (optional)
       marker: '...',              // Marker to list blobs from (optional)
       maxResults: 5000,           // The maximum number of blobs to return (optional)
       include: {                  // Specifies one or more datasets to include in the response (optional)
         snapshots: false,         // Include snapshots in listing
         metadata: false,          // Include blob metadata in listing
         uncommittedBlobs: false,  // Include uncommitted blobs in listing
         copy: false               // Include metadata related to any current or previous Copy Blob operation



A promise for an object on the form:

  blobs: [
      name:       '...',               // Name of blob
      snapshot:    '...',              // A date and time value that uniquely identifies the snapshot
                                       // relative to its base blob
      properties:  {
         lastModified: '...',          // The date and time the blob was last modified
         eTag: '...',                  // The entity tag of the blob
         contentLength: '...',         // The content length of the blob
         contentType: '...',           // The MIME content type of the blob
         contentEncoding: '...',       // The content encoding of the blob
         contentLanguage: '...',       // The content language of the blob
         contentMD5: '...',            // An MD5 hash of the blob content
         cacheControl: '...',          // The blob cache control
         xmsBlobSequenceNumber: '...', // The page blob sequence number
         blobType: '...',              // The type of the blob: BlockBlob | PageBlob | AppendBlob
         leaseStatus: '...',           // The lease status of the blob
         leaseState: '...',            // The lease state of the blob
         leaseDuration: '...',         // The lease duration of the blob
         copyId: '...',                // String identifier for the copy operation
         copyStatus: '...',            // The state of the copy operation: pending | success | aborted | failed
         copySource: '...',            // The name of the source blob of the copy operation
         copyProgress: '...',          // The bytes copied/total bytes
         copyCompletionTime: '...',    // The date and time the copy operation finished
         copyStatusDescription: '...', // The status of the copy operation
         serverEncrypted: false,       // true if the blob and application metadata are completely encrypted,
                                       // and false otherwise
         incrementalCopy: '...',       // true for the incremental copy blobs operation and snapshots
      metadata:   {}                   // Meta-data dictionary if requested
  blobPrefixName: '...',
  prefix:         '...',               // prefix given in options (if given)
  marker:         '...',               // marker given in options (if given)
  maxResults:     5000,                // maxResults given in options (if given)
  nextMarker:     '...'                // Next marker if not at end of list
  delimiter:      '...'                // Delimiter
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:937

List the containers under the storage account


  • options Object
    • Options on the following form:
      prefix:          '...',    // Prefix of containers to list
      marker:          '...',    // Marker to list containers from
      maxResults:      5000,     // Max number of results
      metadata:        false     // Whether or not to include metadata



A promise for an object on the form:

  containers: [
      name:       '...',           // Name of container
      properties: {
         lastModified: '...',      // Container's last modified time
         eTag: '...',              // The entity tag of the container
         leaseStatus: '...',       // The lease status of the container
         leaseState: '...',        // The lease state of the container
         leaseDuration: '...'      // The lease duration of the container
         publicAccessLevel: '...'  // Indicates whether data in the container may be accessed publicly
                                   // and the level of access. If this is not returned in the response,
                                   // the container is private to the account owner.
      metadata:   {}               // Meta-data dictionary if requested
  prefix:         '...',           // prefix given in options (if given)
  marker:         '...',           // marker given in options (if given)
  maxResults:     5000,            // maxResults given in options (if given)
  nextMarker:     '...'            // Next marker if not at end of list
  • container
  • blob
  • options
  • content

Defined in lib/blob.js:1485

Creates a new block, page, or append blob, or updates the content of an existing block blob. Updating an existing block blob overwrites any existing metadata on the blob, and the content of the existing blob is overwritten with the content of the new blob.

Note that a call to a putBlob to create a page blob or an append blob only initializes the blob. To add content to a page blob, call the putPage. To add content to an append blob, call the appendBlock.


  • container String
    • Name of the container where the blob should be stored
  • blob String
    • Name of the blob
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       metadata: '...',                          // Name-value pairs associated with the blob as metadata
       contentType: 'application/octet-stream',  // The MIME content type of the blob (optional)
       contentEncoding: '...',                   // Specifies which content encodings have been applied
                                                 // to the blob. (optional)
       contentLanguage: '...',                   // Specifies the natural languages used by this resource(optional)
       cacheControl: '...',                      // The Blob service stores this value but does not
                                                 // use or modify it. (optional)
       disableContentMD5Check: 'false',          // Enable/disable the content md5 check is disabled.(optional)
       type: BlockBlob|PageBlob|AppendBlob,      // The type of blob to create: block blob, page blob,
                                                 // or append blob (required)
       leaseId: '...',                           // Lease id (required if the blob has an active lease)
       contentDisposition: '...',                // Specifies the content disposition of the blob (optional)
       ifModifiedSince: new Date(),              // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource
                                                 // has been modified since the specified time.
       ifUnmodifiedSince: new Date(),            // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource
                                                 // has not been modified since the specified date/time.
       ifMatch: '...',                           // ETag value. Specify this to perform the operation only if the
                                                 // resource's ETag matches the value specified.
       ifNoneMatch: '...',                       // ETag value. Specify this to perform the operation only if the
                                                 //resource's ETag does not match the value specified.
       pageBlobContentLength: '...',             // Specifies the maximum size for the page blob, up to 1 TB.
                                                 // (required for page blobs)
       pageBlobSequenceNumber: 0,                // The sequence number - a user-controlled value that you can use
                                                 // to track requests (optional, only for page blobs)
  • content String | Buffer
    • The content of the blob



A promise for an object on the form:

   eTag: '...',         // The entity tag of the blob
   lastModified: '...', // The date/time the blob was last modified
   contentMD5: '...',   // The MD5 hash of the blob
  • container
  • blob
  • options
  • content

Defined in lib/blob.js:2121

Creates a new block to be committed as part of a blob.


  • container String
    • Name of the container
  • blob String
    • Name of the blob
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       blockId: '...',                  // A valid Base64 string value that identifies the block
                                        // For a given blob, the length of the value specified for the
                                        // blockId must be the same size for each block.(required)
       disableContentMD5Check: 'false', // Enable/disable the content md5 check is disabled.(optional)
  • content String | Buffer
    • The content of the block



A promise for an object on the form:

   contentMD5: '...'   // The MD5 hash of the block
  • container
  • blob
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:2187

Writes a blob by specifying the list of block IDs that make up the blob. In order to be written as part of a blob, a block must have been successfully written to the server in a prior putBlock operation.


  • container String
    • Name of the container
  • blob String
    • Name of the blob
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       cacheControl: '...',              // Blob's cache control (optional)
       contentType: '...',               // Blob's content type (optional)
       contentEncoding: '...',           // Blob's content encoding (optional)
       contentLanguage: '...',           // Blob's content language (optional)
       metadata: '...',                  // Name-value pairs that correspond to the user-defined metadata
                                         // associated with this blob.
       contentDisposition: '...',        // Blob's content disposition
       ifModifiedSince: new Date(),      // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has been
                                         // modified since the specified time. (optional)
       ifUnmodifiedSince: new Date(),    // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has not been
                                         // modified since the specified date/time. (optional)
       ifMatch: '...',                   // ETag value. Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource's
                                         // ETag matches the value specified. (optional)
       ifNoneMatch: '...',               // ETag value. Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource's
                                         // ETag does not match the value specified. (optional)
       committedBlockIds: [],            // List of block ids to indicate that the Blob service should search only
                                         // the committed block list for the named blocks(optional)
       uncommittedBlockIds: [],          // List of block ids to indicate that the Blob service should search only
                                         // the uncommitted block list for the named blocks (optional)
       latestBlockIds: [],               // List of block ids to indicate that the Blob service should first
                                         // search the uncommitted block list. If the block is found in the
                                         // uncommitted list, that version of the block is the latest and should
                                         // be written to the blob.
                                         // If the block is not found in the uncommitted list, then the service
                                         // should search the committed block list for the named block and write
                                         // that block to the blob if it is found. (optional)


  • A promise for an object on the form:
   eTag: '...',         // The entity tag of the blob
   lastModified: '...', // The date/time the blob was last modified.
  • method
  • path
  • query
  • header

Defined in lib/blob.js:374

Make a signed request to path using method in upper-case and all query parameters and headers keys in lower-case. The request will carry data as payload and will be retried using the configured retry policy,


  • method String
    • HTTP verb in upper case, e.g. GET.
  • path String
    • Path on blob resource for storage account.
  • query Object
    • Query-string parameters.
  • header Object
    • Mapping from header key in lowercase to value.



A promise for HTTPS response with payload property as string containing the response payload.

  • container
  • blob
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:213

Generate a SAS string on the form 'key1=va1&key2=val2&...'.


  • container String
    • Name of the container that this SAS string applies to.
  • blob String
    • Name of the blob that this SAS string applies to.
  • options Object
    • Options for the following form:
      start:               new Date(),             // Time from which signature is valid (optional)
      expiry:              new Date(),             // Expiration of signature (required).
      resourceType:        'blob|container',       // Specifies which resources are accessible via the SAS(required)
                                                   // Possible values are: 'blob' or 'container'.
                                                   // Specify 'blob' if the shared resource is a 'blob'.
                                                   // This grants access to the content and metadata of the blob.
                                                   // Specify 'container' if the shared resource is a 'container'.
                                                   // This grants access to the content and metadata of any
                                                   // blob in the container, and to the list of blobs in
                                                   // the container.
      permissions: {                               // Set of permissions delegated (required)
                                                   // It must be omitted if it has been specified in the associated
                                                   // stored access policy.
        read:              false,                  // Read the content, properties, metadata or block list of a blob
                                                   // or of any blob in the container if the resourceType is
                                                   // a container.
        add:               false,                  // Add a block to an append blob or to any append blob if the
                                                   // resourceType is a container.
        create:            false,                  // Write a new blob, snapshot a blob, or copy a blob
                                                   // to a new blob.
                                                   // These operations can be done to any blob in the container
                                                   // if the resourceType is a container.
        write:             false,                  // Create or write content, properties, metadata, or block list.
                                                   // Snapshot or lease the blob. Resize the blob (page blob only).
                                                   // These operations can be done for every blob in the container
                                                   // if the resourceType is a container.
        delete:            false,                  // Delete the blob or any blob in the container if the
                                                   // resourceType is a container.
        list:              false,                  // List blobs in the container.
      cacheControl:        '...',                  // The value of the Cache-Control response header
                                                   // to be returned. (optional)
      contentDisposition:  '...',                  // The value of the Content-Disposition response header
                                                   // to be returned. (optional)
      contentEncoding:     '...',                  // The value of the Content-Encoding response header
                                                   // to be returned. (optional)
      contentLanguage:     '...',                  // The value of the Content-Language response header
                                                   // to be returned. (optional)
      contentType:         '...',                  // The value of the Content-Type response header to
                                                   // be returned. (optional)
      accessPolicy:        '...'                   // Reference to stored access policy (optional)
                                                   // A GUID string



Shared-Access-Signature on string form.

  • container
  • blob
  • metadata
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:2023

Sets metadata for the specified blob. Overwrites all existing metadata that is associated with that blob.


  • container String
    • Name of the container
  • blob String
    • Name of the blob
  • metadata Object
    • Mapping from metadata keys to values.
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       ifModifiedSince: new Date(),      // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has been
                                         // modified since the specified time. (optional)
       ifUnmodifiedSince: new Date(),    // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has not
                                         // been modified since the specified date/time. (optional)
       ifMatch: '...',                   // ETag value. Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource's
                                         // ETag matches the value specified. (optional)
       ifNoneMatch: '...',               // ETag value. Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource's
                                         // ETag does not match the value specified. (optional)



A promise for an object on the form:

     eTag: '...',               // The entity tag of the blob
     lastModified: '...'        // The date/time the blob was last modified.
  • container
  • blob
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:1840

Sets system properties on the blob


  • container String
    • Name of the container
  • blob String
    • Name of the blob
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       cacheControl: '...',                      // The cache control string for the blob (optional)
                                                 // If this property is not specified, then the property
                                                 // will be cleared for the blob.
       contentType: '...',                       // The MIME content type of the blob (optional)
                                                 // If this property is not specified, then the property
                                                 // will be cleared for the blob.
       contentMD5: '...',                        // The MD5 hash of the blob (optional)
                                                 // If this property is not specified, then the property
                                                 // will be cleared for the blob.
       contentEncoding: '...',                   // The content encodings of the blob. (optional)
                                                 // If this property is not specified, then the property
                                                 // will be cleared for the blob.
       contentLanguage: '...',                   // The content language of the blob. (optional)
                                                 // If this property is not specified, then the property
                                                 // will be cleared for the blob.
       contentDisposition: '...',                // The content disposition (optional)
                                                 // If this property is not specified, then the property
                                                 // will be cleared for the blob.
       pageBlobContentLength: '...',             // The new size of a page blob. If the specified value is
                                                 // less than the current size of the blob, then all pages
                                                 // above the specified value are cleared.
                                                 // This property applies to page blobs only.
                 'max|update|increment',         // Indicates how the service should modify the blob's
                                                 // sequence number.
                                                 // - max: Sets the sequence number to be the higher of the
                                                 //        value included with the request and the value
                                                 //        currently stored for the blob.
                                                 // - update: Sets the sequence number to the value
                                                 //           included with the request.
                                                 // - increment: Increments the value of the sequence
                                                 //              number by 1.
                                                 // This property applies to page blobs only. (optional)
       pageBlobSequenceNumber: '...',            // The page blob sequence number.
                                                 // Optional, but required if the
                                                 // pageBlobSequenceNumberAction option is set to max
                                                 // or update.
                                                 // This property applies to page blobs only.
       ifModifiedSince: new Date(),              // Specify this to perform the operation only if the
                                                 // resource has been modified since the specified time.
                                                 // (optional)
       ifUnmodifiedSince: new Date(),            // Specify this to perform the operation only if the
                                                 // resource has not been modified since the specified
                                                 // date/time. (optional)
       ifMatch: '...',                           // ETag value. Specify this to perform the operation only
                                                 // if the resource's ETag matches the value specified.
                                                 // (optional)
       ifNoneMatch: '...',                       // ETag value. Specify this to perform the operation only
                                                 // if the resource's ETag does not match the value
                                                 // specified. (optional)



A promise for an object on the form:

     eTag: '...',               // The entity tag of the blob
     lastModified: '...',       // The date/time the blob was last modified
     blobSequenceNumber: '...', // The blob's current sequence number (if the blob is a page blob)
  • name
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:1146

Sets the permissions for the container with the given name. The permissions indicate whether blobs in a container may be accessed publicly.


  • name String
    • Name of the container to set ACL to
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       publicAccessLevel: '...',       // Indicate whether blobs in a container may be accessed publicly.(optional)
                                       // Possible values: container (full public read access for container
                                       // and blob data) or blob (public read access for blobs).
                                       // If it is not specified, the resource will be private and will be accessed
                                       // only by the account owner.
       accessPolicies: [{              // The container ACL settings.
                                       // An array with five maximum access policies objects (optional)
         id:     '...',                // Unique identifier, up to 64 chars in length
         start:  new Date(),           // Time from which access policy is valid
         expiry: new Date(),           // Expiration of access policy
         permission: {                 // Set of permissions delegated
           read:              false,   // Read the content, properties, metadata or block list of a blob or of
                                       // any blob in the container if the resourceType is a container.
           add:               false,   // Add a block to an append blob or to any append blob
                                       // if the resourceType is a container.
           create:            false,   // Write a new blob, snapshot a blob, or copy a blob to a new blob.
                                       // These operations can be done to any blob in the container
                                       // if the resourceType is a container.
           write:             false,   // Create or write content, properties, metadata, or block list.
                                       // Snapshot or lease the blob. Resize the blob (page blob only).
                                       // These operations can be done for every blob in the container
                                       // if the resourceType is a container.
           delete:            false,   // Delete the blob or any blob in the container
                                       // if the resourceType is a container.
           list:              false,   // List blobs in the container.
       leaseId: '...',                 // GUID string; lease unique identifier (optional)
       ifModifiedSince: new Date(),    // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has
                                       // been modified since the specified time. (optional)
       ifUnmodifiedSince: new Date(),  // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has
                                       // not been modified since the specified date/time. (optional)



a promise for metadata key/value pair A promise for an object on the form:

     eTag: '...',               // The entity tag of the container
     lastModified: '...',       // The date/time the container was last modified
  • name
  • metadata
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:780

Sets metadata for the specified container. Overwrites all existing metadata that is associated with the container.


  • name String
    • Name of the container to set metadata on
  • metadata Object
    • Mapping from metadata keys to values.
  • options Object
    • Options on the following form
       leaseId: '...',               // Lease unique identifier. A GUID string.(optional)
       ifModifiedSince: new Date(),  // Specify this to perform the operation only if the resource has been
                                     // modified since the specified time. (optional)



a promise for metadata key/value pair A promise for an object on the form:

     eTag: '...',               // The entity tag of the container
     lastModified: '...',       // The date/time the container was last modified
  • options

Defined in lib/blob.js:450

Sets properties for a storage account’s Blob service endpoint


  • options Object
    • Options on the following form:
       logging: {                 // The Azure Analytics Logging settings.
         version: '...',          // The version of Storage Analytics to configure (required if logging specified)
         delete: true|false,      // Indicates whether all delete requests should be logged
                                  // (required if logging specified)
         read: true|false,        // Indicates whether all read requests should be logged
                                  // (required if logging specified)
         write: true|false,       // Indicates whether all write requests should be logged
                                  // (required if logging specified)
         retentionPolicy: {
           enabled: true|false,   // Indicates whether a retention policy is enabled for the
                                  // storage service. (required)
           days: '...',           // Indicates the number of days that metrics or logging data should be retained.
                                  // Required only if a retention policy is enabled.
       hourMetrics: {             // The Azure Analytics HourMetrics settings
         version: '...',          // The version of Storage Analytics to configure
                                  // (required if hourMetrics specified)
         enabled: true|false,     // Indicates whether metrics are enabled for the Blob service
                                  //(required if hourMetrics specified).
         includeAPIs: true|false, // Indicates whether metrics should generate summary statistics for called API
                                  // operations (Required only if metrics are enabled).
         retentionPolicy: {
           enabled: true|false,
           days: '...',
       minuteMetrics: {           // The Azure Analytics MinuteMetrics settings
         version: '...',          // The version of Storage Analytics to configure
                                  // (required if minuteMetrics specified)
         enabled: true|false,     // Indicates whether metrics are enabled for the Blob service
                                  // (required if minuteMetrics specified).
         includeAPIs: true|false, // Indicates whether metrics should generate summary statistics for called API
                                  // operations (Required only if metrics are enabled).
         retentionPolicy: {
           enabled: true|false,
           days: '...',
       corsRules: [{              // CORS rules
         allowedOrigins: [],      // A list of origin domains that will be allowed via CORS,
                                  // or "*" to allow all domains
         allowedMethods: [],      // List of HTTP methods that are allowed to be executed by the origin
         maxAgeInSeconds: [],     // The number of seconds that the client/browser should cache a
                                  // preflight response
         exposedHeaders: [],      // List of response headers to expose to CORS clients
         allowedHeaders: [],      // List of headers allowed to be part of the cross-origin request



A promise that the properties have been set