'use strict';
var assert = require('assert');
var debug = require('debug')('azure:queue');
var querystring = require('querystring');
var crypto = require('crypto');
var events = require('events');
var util = require('util');
var agent = require('./agent');
var utils = require('./utils');
var xml = require('./xml-parser');
var auth = require('./authorization');
* Azure storage service version
* @const
var SERVICE_VERSION = '2015-04-05';
/* Transient error codes (we'll retry request when encountering these codes */
// Error code for when we encounter a 5xx error, but the XML document doesn't
// have a code property, or we fail to parse the XML payload. This is unlikely
// to happen unless you have an HTTP proxy that returns 5xx for some reason.
// Azure error codes we should retry on according to azure docs
* List of query-string parameter supported in lexicographical order, used for
* construction of the canonicalized resource.
* Queue client class for interacting with Azure Queue Storage.
* @class Queue
* @constructor
* @param {object} options - options on the form:
* ```js
* {
* // Value for the x-ms-version header fixing the API version
* // Value for the x-ms-client-request-id header identifying the client
* clientId: 'fast-azure-storage',
* // Server-side request timeout
* timeout: 30 * 1000,
* // Delay between client- and server-side timeout
* clientTimeoutDelay: 500,
* // HTTP Agent to use (defaults to a global azure.Agent instance)
* agent: azure.Agent.globalAgent,
* // Max number of request retries
* retries: 5,
* // Multiplier for computation of retry delay: 2 ^ retry * delayFactor
* delayFactor: 100,
* // Randomization factor added as:
* // delay = delay * random([1 - randomizationFactor; 1 + randomizationFactor])
* randomizationFactor: 0.25,
* // Maximum retry delay in ms (defaults to 30 seconds)
* maxDelay: 30 * 1000,
* // Error codes for which we should retry
* transientErrorCodes: TRANSIENT_ERROR_CODES,
* // Azure storage accountId (required)
* accountId: undefined,
* // Azure shared accessKey, required unless options.sas is given
* accessKey: undefined,
* // Function that returns SAS string or promise for SAS string, in which
* // case we will refresh SAS when a request occurs less than
* // minSASAuthExpiry from signature expiry. This property may also be a
* // SAS string.
* sas: undefined,
* // Minimum SAS expiry before refreshing SAS credentials, if a function for
* // refreshing SAS credentials is given as options.sas
* minSASAuthExpiry: 15 * 60 * 1000
* }
* ```
function Queue(options) {
// Initialize EventEmitter parent class
// Set default options
this.options = {
clientId: 'fast-azure-storage',
timeout: 30 * 1000,
clientTimeoutDelay: 500,
agent: agent.globalAgent,
retries: 5,
delayFactor: 100,
randomizationFactor: 0.25,
maxDelay: 30 * 1000,
transientErrorCodes: TRANSIENT_ERROR_CODES,
accountId: undefined,
accessKey: undefined,
sas: undefined,
minSASAuthExpiry: 15 * 60 * 1000,
// Overwrite default options
for (var key in options) {
if (options.hasOwnProperty(key) && options[key] !== undefined) {
this.options[key] = options[key];
// Validate options
assert(this.options.accountId, "`options.accountId` must be given");
// Construct hostname
this.hostname = this.options.accountId + '.queue.core.windows.net';
// Compute `timeout` for client-side timeout (in ms), and `timeoutInSeconds`
// for server-side timeout in seconds.
this.timeout = this.options.timeout + this.options.clientTimeoutDelay;
this.timeoutInSeconds = Math.floor(this.options.timeout / 1000);
// Define `this.authorize`
if (this.options.accessKey) {
// If set authorize to use shared key signatures
this.authorize = auth.authorizeWithSharedKey.call(this, 'queue', QUERY_PARAMS_SUPPORTED);
// Decode accessKey
this._accessKey = new Buffer(this.options.accessKey, 'base64');
} else if (this.options.sas instanceof Function) {
// Set authorize to use shared-access-signatures with refresh function
this.authorize = auth.authorizeWithRefreshSAS;
// Set state with _nextSASRefresh = -1, we'll refresh on the first request
this._nextSASRefresh = -1;
this._sas = '';
} else if (typeof(this.options.sas) === 'string') {
// Set authorize to use shared-access-signature as hardcoded
this.authorize = auth.authorizeWithSAS;
} else {
throw new Error("Either options.accessKey, options.sas as function or " +
"options.sas as string must be given!");
// Export Queue
module.exports = Queue;
// Subclass EventEmitter
util.inherits(Queue, events.EventEmitter);
* Generate a SAS string on the form `'key1=val1&key2=val2&...'`.
* @method sas
* @param {string} queue - Name of queue that this SAS string applies to.
* @param {object} options - Options for the following form:
* ```js
* {
* start: new Date(), // Time from which signature is valid
* expiry: new Date(), // Expiration of signature (required)
* permissions: { // Set of permissions delegated (required)
* read: false, // Read meta-data and peek messages
* add: false, // Add new messages
* update: false, // Update messages (after get messages)
* process: false // Process messages (get and delete messages)
* },
* accessPolicy: '...' // Reference to stored access policy
* }
* ```
* @returns {string} Shared-Access-Signature on string form.
Queue.prototype.sas = function sas(queue, options) {
assert(options, "options is required");
assert(options.expiry instanceof Date,
"options.expiry must be a Date object");
assert(options.permissions, "options.permissions is required");
// Check that we have credentials
if (!this.options.accountId ||
!this.options.accessKey) {
throw new Error("accountId and accessKey are required for SAS creation!");
// Construct permissions string (in correct order)
var permissions = '';
if (options.permissions.read) permissions += 'r';
if (options.permissions.add) permissions += 'a';
if (options.permissions.update) permissions += 'u';
if (options.permissions.process) permissions += 'p';
// Construct query-string with required parameters
var query = {
se: utils.dateToISOWithoutMS(options.expiry),
sp: permissions,
spr: 'https',
sig: null
// Add optional parameters to query-string
if (options.start) {
assert(options.start instanceof Date,
"if specified start must be a Date object");
query.st = utils.dateToISOWithoutMS(options.start);
if (options.accessPolicy) {
query.se = options.accessPolicy;
// Construct string to sign
var stringToSign = [
query.st || '',
'/queue/' + this.options.accountId.toLowerCase() + '/' + queue,
query.si || '',
'', // TODO: Support signed IP addresses
// Compute signature
query.sig = utils.hmacSha256(this._accessKey, stringToSign);;
// Return Shared-Access-Signature as query-string
return querystring.stringify(query);
* Construct authorized request options by adding signature or
* shared-access-signature, return promise for the request options.
* @protected
* @method authorize
* @param {string} method - HTTP verb in upper case, e.g. `GET`.
* @param {string} path - Path on queue resource for storage account.
* @param {object} query - Query-string parameters.
* @param {object} header - Mapping from header key in lowercase to value.
* @returns {Promise} A promise for an options object compatible with
* `https.request`.
Queue.prototype.authorize = function(method, path, query, headers) {
throw new Error("authorize is not implemented, must be defined!");
* Make a signed request to `path` using `method` in upper-case and all `query`
* parameters and `headers` keys in lower-case. The request will carry `data`
* as payload and will be retried using the configured retry policy,
* @private
* @method request
* @param {string} method - HTTP verb in upper case, e.g. `GET`.
* @param {string} path - Path on queue resource for storage account.
* @param {object} query - Query-string parameters.
* @param {object} header - Mapping from header key in lowercase to value.
* @param {string} data - String data to send as UTF-8 payload.
* @return {Promise} A promise for HTTPS response with `payload` property as
* string containing the response payload.
Queue.prototype.request = function request(method, path, query, headers, data) {
// Set timeout, if not provided
if (query.timeout === undefined) {
query.timeout = this.timeoutInSeconds;
// Set date, version and client-request-id headers
headers['x-ms-date'] = new Date().toUTCString();
headers['x-ms-version'] = this.options.version;
headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = this.options.clientId;
// Set content-length, if data is given
if (data && data.length > 0) {
headers['content-length'] = Buffer.byteLength(data, 'utf-8');
// Construct authorized request options with shared key signature or
// shared-access-signature.
var self = this;
return this.authorize(method, path, query, headers).then(function(options) {
// Retry with retry policy
return utils.retry(function(retry) {
debug("Request: %s %s, retry: %s", method, path, retry);
// Construct a promise chain first handling the request, and then parsing
// any potential error message
return utils.request(options, data, self.timeout).then(function(res) {
// Accept the response if it's 2xx, otherwise we construct and
// throw an error
if (200 <= res.statusCode && res.statusCode < 300) {
return res;
// Parse error message
var data = xml.parseError(res);
var resMSHeaders = {};
Object.keys(res.headers).forEach(h => {
if (h.startsWith('x-ms-')) {
resMSHeaders[h] = res.headers[h];
// Construct error object
var err = new Error(data.message);
err.name = data.code + 'Error';
err.code = data.code;
err.statusCode = res.statusCode;
err.detail = data.detail;
err.payload = res.payload;
err.retries = retry;
err.resMSHeaders = resMSHeaders;
debug("Error code: %s (%s) for %s %s on retry: %s",
data.code, res.statusCode, method, path, retry);
// Throw the constructed error
throw err;
}, self.options);
* List queues under the storage account.
* @method listQueues
* @param {object} options - `options` on the following form:
* ```js
* {
* prefix: '', // Prefix of queues to list
* marker: '', // Marker to list queues from
* maxResults: 5000, // Max number of results
* metadata: false // Whether or not to include metadata
* }
* ```
* @returns {Promise} A promise for an object on the form:
* ```js
* {
* queues: [
* {
* name: '...', // Name of queue
* metadata: {} // Meta-data dictionary if requested
* }
* ],
* prefix: '...', // prefix given in options (if given)
* marker: '...', // marker given in options (if given)
* maxResults: 5000, // maxResults given in options (if given)
* nextMarker: '...' // Next marker if not at end of list
* }
* ```
Queue.prototype.listQueues = function listQueues(options) {
// Ensure options
options = options || {};
// Construct query string
var query = {
comp: 'list'
if (options.prefix) query.prefix = options.prefix;
if (options.marker) query.marker = options.marker;
if (options.maxResults) query.maxresults = options.maxResults;
if (options.metadata) query.include = 'metadata';
// Send request with retry policy
return this.request('GET', '/', query, {}).then(xml.queueParseListQueues);
// TODO: Implement someday when we need it:
// Queue.prototype.getServiceProperties = function getServiceProperties() {};
// Queue.prototype.setServiceProperties = function setServiceProperties() {};
// Queue.prototype.getServiceStats = function getServiceStats() {};
// Queue.prototype.setServiceStats = function setServiceStats() {};
* Create queue with given `name`, returns promise that resolves to `true`, if
* the queue didn't already exist. Do not rely on this behavior unless you
* disable the retry logic. Note, if queue exists with different
* meta-data an error will be thrown.
* @method createQueue
* @param {string} queue - Name of queue to create.
* @param {object} metadata - Mapping from metadata keys to values.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that queue has been created.
Queue.prototype.createQueue = function createQueue(name, metadata) {
// Construct headers
var headers = {};
for(var key in metadata) {
if (metadata.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
headers['x-ms-meta-' + key] = metadata[key];
return this.request('PUT', '/' + name, {}, headers).then(function(res) {
// Queue was created
if (res.statusCode === 201) {
return true;
// Identical queue already existed, or was created in a failed request
// that we retried.
if (res.statusCode === 204) {
return false;
throw new Error("createQueue: Unexpected statusCode: " + res.statusCode);
* Delete queue, return promise queue is deleted.
* Note, Azure may take a while to garbage collect the queue, see documentation
* for relevant details, if you plan to recreate the queue again.
* @method deleteQueue
* @param {string} queue - Name of queue to delete.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that the queue has been marked for deletion.
Queue.prototype.deleteQueue = function deleteQueue(name) {
return this.request('DELETE', '/' + name, {}, {}).then(function(res) {
if (res.statusCode !== 204) {
throw new Error("deleteQueue: Unexpected statusCode: " + res.statusCode);
* Get meta-data for given `queue`. This includes approximate message count,
* note that the approximate message is an upper-bound on the number of messages
* in the queue.
* Warning, this is a `HEAD` request, so if the queue is missing you get an
* error with `err.statusCode = 404`, but `err.code` property will be
* `ErrorWithoutCode`. The same goes for all other error codes.
* @method getMetadata
* @param {string} queue - Name of queue to get meta-data from.
* @returns {Promise} A promise for an object on the form:
* ```js
* {
* messageCount: 50, // Upper-bound on message count
* metadata: { // Mapping from meta-data keys to values
* '<key>': '<value>', // Meta-data key/value pair
* ...
* }
* }
* ```
Queue.prototype.getMetadata = function getMetadata(queue) {
// Construct path for queue
var path = '/' + queue;
// Construct query-string
var query = {comp: 'metadata'};
// Send request with retry policy
return this.request('HEAD', path, query, {}).then(function(res) {
if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
throw new Error("getMetadata: Unexpected statusCode: " + res.statusCode);
return {
messageCount: parseInt(res.headers['x-ms-approximate-messages-count']),
metadata: utils.extractMetadataFromHeaders(res)
* Set meta-data for given `queue`, note that this overwrites all existing
* meta-data key/value pairs.
* @method setMetadata
* @param {string} queue - Name of queue to set meta-data on.
* @param {object} metadata - Mapping from meta-data keys to values.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that the meta-data was set.
Queue.prototype.setMetadata = function setMetadata(queue, metadata) {
// Construct path for queue
var path = '/' + queue;
// Construct query-string
var query = {comp: 'metadata'};
// Construct headers
var headers = {};
for(var key in metadata) {
if (metadata.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
headers['x-ms-meta-' + key] = metadata[key];
// Send request with retry policy
return this.request('PUT', path, query, headers).then(function(res) {
if (res.statusCode !== 204) {
throw new Error("setMetadata: Unexpected statusCode: " + res.statusCode);
// TODO: Implement someday when we need it:
// Queue.prototype.getQueueACL = function getQueueACL() {};
// Queue.prototype.setQueueACL = function setQueueACL() {};
* Put a message with XML-safe `text` into `queue` with TTL and visibility-
* timeout, as given in `options`.
* Notice that the `text` must be XML-safe, for JSON it's useful to base64
* encode the message. This is what many other libraries does, so make sense for
* interoperability. Encoding this way is trivial in node.js:
* ```js
* var text = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(jsonMessage)).toString('base64');
* ```
* @method putMessage
* @param {string} queue - Name of queue to put message into.
* @param {string} text - XML-safe string to send.
* @param {object} options - options on the following form:
* ```js
* {
* visibilityTimeout: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60, // Visibility timeout in seconds
* messageTTL: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 // Message Time-To-Live in seconds
* }
* ```
* @returns {Promise} A promise that the messages was inserted in the queue.
Queue.prototype.putMessage = function putMessage(queue, text, options) {
// Construct path for queue
var path = '/' + queue + '/messages';
// Construct query-string
var query = {};
if (options && options.visibilityTimeout !== undefined) {
query.visibilitytimeout = '' + options.visibilityTimeout;
if (options && options.messageTTL !== undefined) {
query.messagettl = '' + options.messageTTL;
// Construct payload
var data = '<QueueMessage><MessageText>' + text +
// Send request with retry policy
return this.request('POST', path, query, {}, data).then(function(res) {
if (res.statusCode !== 201) {
throw new Error("putMessage: Unexpected statusCode: " + res.statusCode);
* Peek messages from `queue`, returns up to `options.numberOfMessages`, note,
* that Azure Queue Storage only allows up to 32 messages at once.
* Note, Azure may return zero messages giving you an empty array. This is not
* necessarily proof the that the queue is empty. See REST documentation for
* consistency levels.
* @method peekMessages
* @param {string} queue - Name of queue to peek messages from.
* @param {object} options - `options` on the following form:
* ```js
* {
* numberOfMessages: 1 // Max number of messages to peek
* }
* ```
* @returns {Promise} A promise for an array of messages on the following form:
* ```js
* [
* {
* messageId: '...', // Message id as string
* insertionTime: new Date(), // Insertion time as Date object
* expirationTime: new Date(), // Expiration time as Date object
* dequeueCount: 1, // Message dequeue count
* messageText: '...' // Message text (however, you encoded it)
* },
* ...
* ]
* ```
Queue.prototype.peekMessages = function peekMessages(queue, options) {
// Construct path
var path = '/' + queue + '/messages';
// Construct query string from options
var query = {peekonly: 'true'};
if (options && options.numberOfMessages !== undefined) {
query.numofmessages = '' + options.numberOfMessages;
// Send request with retry policy
return this.request('GET', path, query, {}).then(xml.queueParsePeekMessages);
* Get messages from `queue`, returns up to `options.numberOfMessages` of
* messages, note, that Azure Queue Storage only allows up to 32 messages per
* request.
* See, `deleteMessage` for how to delete messages once you have processed them.
* Note, Azure may return zero messages giving you an empty array. This is not
* necessarily proof the that the queue is empty. See REST documentation for
* consistency levels.
* @method getMessages
* @param {string} queue - Name of queue to get messages from.
* @param {object} options - `options` on the following form:
* ```js
* {
* numberOfMessages: 1, // Max number of messages to claim (max 32)
* visibilityTimeout: 30 // Seconds to messages becomes visible again
* }
* ```
* @returns {Promise} A promise for an array of messages on the following form:
* ```js
* [
* {
* messageId: '...', // Message id as string
* insertionTime: new Date(), // Insertion time as Date object
* expirationTime: new Date(), // Expiration time as Date object
* dequeueCount: 1, // Message dequeue count
* messageText: '...', // Message text (however, you encoded it)
* popReceipt: '...', // Opaque string for deleting the message
* timeNextVisible: new Date() // Next time visible as Date object
* },
* ...
* ]
* ```
Queue.prototype.getMessages = function getMessages(queue, options) {
// Construct path
var path = '/' + queue + '/messages';
// Construct query string from options
var query = {};
if (options && options.numberOfMessages !== undefined) {
query.numofmessages = '' + options.numberOfMessages;
if (options && options.visibilityTimeout !== undefined) {
query.visibilitytimeout = '' + options.visibilityTimeout;
// Send request with retry policy
return this.request('GET', path, query, {}).then(xml.queueParseGetMessages);
* Delete a message from `queue` using `messageId` and `popReceipt`
* @method deleteMessage
* @param {string} queue - Name of queue to delete message from
* @param {string} messageId - Message identifier for message to delete, this
* identifier is given when you call `getMessages`.
* @param {string} popReceipt - Opaque token `popReceipt` that was given by
* `getMessages` when you received the message.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that the message has been deleted.
Queue.prototype.deleteMessage = function deleteMessage(queue, messageId,
popReceipt) {
assert(messageId, "messageId must be given!");
// Construct path
var path = '/' + queue + '/messages/' + messageId;
// Construct query-string
var query = {popreceipt: popReceipt};
// Send request with retry policy
return this.request('DELETE', path, query, {}).then(function(res) {
if (res.statusCode !== 204) {
throw new Error("deleteMessage: Unexpected statusCode: " +
* Clear all messages from `queue`, note this may timeout if there is a lot of
* messages in the queue, in this case you'll get a error with the code:
* `OperationTimedOut`, and you should retry until the operation is successful.
* See Azure Queue Storage REST API documentation for details.
* @method clearMessages
* @param {string} queue - Name of queue to clear all messages from.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that messages have been cleared.
Queue.prototype.clearMessages = function clearMessages(queue) {
// Construct path
var path = '/' + queue + '/messages';
return this.request('DELETE', path, {}, {}).then(function(res) {
if (res.statusCode !== 204) {
throw new Error("deleteMessage: Unexpected statusCode: " +
* Update a message from `queue` with XML-safe `text` and visibility-timeout,
* as given in `options`.
* Notice that the `text` must be XML-safe, for JSON it's useful to base64
* encode the message. This is what many other libraries does, so make sense for
* interoperability. Encoding this way is trivial in node.js:
* ```js
* var text = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(jsonMessage)).toString('base64');
* ```
* @method updateMessage
* @param {string} queue - Name of queue in which you wish to update a message.
* @param {string} text - XML-safe UTF-8 text to set on the message.
* @param {string} messageId - MessageId as received from `getMessages`.
* @param {string} popReceipt - Opaque token as given by `getMessages`.
* @param {object} options - Options on the following form:
* ```js
* {
* visibilityTimeout: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60, // Visibility timeout in seconds
* }
* ```
* @return {Promise} A promise that the message has been updated.
Queue.prototype.updateMessage = function updateMessage(queue, text, messageId,
popReceipt, options) {
// Construct path for queue
var path = '/' + queue + '/messages/' + messageId;
// Construct query-string
var query = {popreceipt: popReceipt};
if (options && options.visibilityTimeout !== undefined) {
query.visibilitytimeout = '' + options.visibilityTimeout;
// Construct payload
var data = '<QueueMessage><MessageText>' + text +
// Send request with retry policy
return this.request('PUT', path, query, {}, data).then(function(res) {
if (res.statusCode !== 204) {
throw new Error("updateMessage: Unexpected statusCode: "
+ res.statusCode);
return {
popReceipt: res.headers['x-ms-popreceipt']